
Devil Dog Brew supports Wounded Heroes USA by providing our own coffee label, free brewed coffee at our functions, and donating 20% of sales to WH USA. Join in on this fundraiser for select coffee, order today.

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Services / Outreach Fishing Program

Mission Statement

“Wounded Heroes USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to honoring the United States Armed Forces with health issues and supporting Gold Star Families of the Fallen. The organization offers family-focused activities and collective economic support. Strives to activate civilian support for these individuals and their families as they rehabilitate from their health issues and the loss of a family member.”

About This Cause

Wounded Heroes USA has provided outdoor adventures to over 900 Rehabilitating Active-Duty Soldiers at Fort Carson, Colorado, and 900 plus Regional Gold Star Families in the past 14 years. Activities include focused activities and annual economic support. The activities are conducted in the Fort Carson Region at no charge. WH USA has 100% non-paid staff and is a volunteer charity with 100% of all donations to assist in outreach activities and financial support.  As of 2025, WH USA is no longer a Colorado-licensed outfitter that conducts open-water fishing.